My Feelings

I feel alone sometimes... I'm alone 90% of the day... But the other 10% I'm with a haikuer or a little girl who likes to knock on my door and keep me company. This girl is less-fortunate than me. She was born was a lot of mental illnesses and a lot of birth defects but she is the nicest, cutest girl I've ever known. (besides Gluvr of course ;o) On those cold nights I'm all alone because I'm living in a damn wellness center and no one's on haiku she comes and hugs me and hold heer close... She never complains, never cries, and is never negative and yet she could die at ny moment... It breaks my heart to know that someone so sweet could have such a hard life...


She originally lived at a foster home due to the fact that her parents neglected her... She still tells me I'm beautiful. She goes into the surgery room every night and the doctors can't help her... She comes to me and hugs me and I allow her to d whatever she wants with my stuff. She deserves a lot more than she's received and it breaks my heart... I love this little girl... She's like a daughter to me... She's six and she doesn't a different life image than the miserable one she was dealt...


I don't know how to help her get better but I know exactly how to keep her happy... I'm awaiting her death and it's to much to bear... Because I love her...


I cry every night knowing she's not okay... I visit her to see if she if and occasionally I'll come in and she'd been having a seizure... I want her to live a life longer than mine but that seems impossible...


Please understand and help me to help her... ; _ ;